Monday to Saturday 10:00-17:00(16:00 on Saturday) Tel: 01788 543442
Dapol C005 Water Tower OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C024 Telegraph Poles (18) OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C004 Platform Footbridge OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C002 Railway Workmen (Set of 38, Unpainted) OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C001 Turntable (Manual) OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C028 15 Ton Hydraulic Diesel Crane OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C030 Travelling Dock Crane OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C029 Village Church OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C020 Thatched Cottage OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C018 Kiosk and Platform Steps OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C016 Windmill OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C010 Platform Canopy OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C007 Engine Shed OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C006 Signal Box OO Scale Plastic Kit
Dapol C003 Girder Bridge (32cm Span) OO Scale Plastic Kit