Monday to Saturday 10:00-17:00(16:00 on Saturday) Tel: 01788 543442
Ratio 530 Oil Tanks OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 529 Oil Depot OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 528 Water Tower GWR Pillar OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 525 Coal/Timber Merchants OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 524 Weighbridge and Hut OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 518 Concrete Lineside Huts (2) OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 517 Concrete Footbridge OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 515 Platform Canopy OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 513 Provender Store OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 511 Wooden Lineside Huts (2) OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 508 Pump House/Boiler House OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 505 Coaling Stage OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 504 GWR Station Building OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 503 Platform/Ground Level Signal Box OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 502 Cattle Dock OO Scale Plastic Kit
Ratio 500 GWR Signal Box OO Scale Plastic Kit